Special Item-Droplist Monster with specific level can drop various listed below:
Monster Level: | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 |
Oriental Sword x -
Heavy Axe x -
Sharp Staff x x x -
M-99 x x -
Kaizen Ring x x -
Chakuram x -
Grindstone(1000) x x -
Petrify Chakuram x x -
Stun Chakuram x x -
Grindstone(500) x x x -
Charging Cannon x x -
Laser Weapon x x -
Charging Shell x x x -
Charging Shell Set x x -
Flame Capsule x x x -
Flame Capsule Set x x -
Laser Capsule x x x -
Laser Capsule Set x x -
Mini Mine x x x -
Mini Mine Set x x -
Mini Rocket x x x -
Arrow Wand x x x -
Bullet Wand x x -
Lightning Wand x x -
Wand charger Lv.1 x x x -
Wand charger Lv.2 x x -
DoT Damage Lv.1 x x x -
DoT Damage Lv.3 x x -
DoT Damage Lv.5 x -
Paralysis Lv.1 x x x -
Paralysis Lv.3 x x -
Paralysis Lv.5 x -
Confusion Lv.1 x x x -
Confusion Lv.3 x x -
Confusion Lv.5 x -
Cold Lv.2 x x x -
Cold Lv.4 x x -
Cold Lv.6 x -
Stunlock Lv.2 x x x -
Stunlock Lv.4 x x -
Stunlock Lv.6 x -
Book (1~4) x x -
Red Book(1~4) x -
Normal Book(5) x -
Chmero Summon Stone x x x x -
Super Chmero Summon Stone x x x x -
Dra Summon Stone x -
Super Shadow Summon Stone x x -
Shadow Summon Stone x x -
Super Jackal Summon Stone x x -
Jackal Summon Stone x x -
Super Devil Summon Stone x x x -
Devil Summon Stone x x x -
Leopard Helmet x -
White Tiger Summon Stone x x x x -
Super White Tiger Summon Stone x x x x -
Blizzard Cloak x x -
Airen Summon Stone x x x x -
Greater Airen Summon Stone x x -
Mini Rocket Set x x -
Skill Scroll (Level 1) x x x x -
Skill Scroll (Level 2) x x x x -
Skill Scroll (Level 3) x x -
Skill Scroll (Level 4) x -
Skill Scroll (Level 5) x -
Skill Levels Documents 6 -
Skill Levels Documents 7 -
Skill Levels Documents 8 -
Skill Levels Documents 9 -
Skill Levels Documents 10
Zombie LVL : 61 EXP : 1013 LIME : 81 Item Drop List
Green Crystal Sword (Lv.68)
Mystery Staff (Lv.74)
Bio Rifle (Lv.72)
Silver Fly Ring (Lv.62)
Power Axe (Lv.79)
Large Mana Potion (Lv.0)
Large Stamina Potion (Lv.0)
Large Electric Potion (Lv.0)
Sun Mantle (Lv.75)
Mace Kabal LVL : 105 EXP : 6220 LIME : 498 Item Drop List
Hope Hair Band (Lv.98)
Pahwang Pants (Lv.102)
Golden Mantle (Lv.100)
Infantry Suit (Lv.100)
Marsh Ware (Lv.100)
Pahwang Armor (Lv.100)
Pahwang Helmet (Lv.98)
Oriental Sword (Lv.107)
Heavy Axe (Lv.105)
Infantry Pants (Lv.102)
Ark Jackal LVL : 105 EXP : 3939 LIME : 394 Item Drop List
Heavy Axe (Lv.105)
Passion Wing (Lv.123)
Pahwang Armor (Lv.100)
Kaizen Ring (Lv.115)
Pahwang Helmet (Lv.98)
Infantry Pants (Lv.102)
Marsh Skirt (Lv.102)
Large Mana Potion (Lv.0)
Passion Pants (Lv.121)
Mega Vitality Potion (Lv.0)
Claw Jackal LVL : 107 EXP : 5406 LIME : 105 Item Drop List
Oriental Sword (Lv.107)
Large Electric Potion (Lv.0)
M-99 (Lv.106)
Kaizen Ring (Lv.115)
Heavy Axe (Lv.105)
Marsh Ware (Lv.100)
Pahwang Armor (Lv.100)
Large Mana Potion (Lv.0)
Marsh Turban (Lv.98)
Mega Vitality Potion (Lv.0)
Horn Beast LVL : 110 EXP : 12416 LIME : 993 Item Drop List
Pahwang Boots (Lv.97)
Marsh Shoes (Lv.97)
Infantry Boots (Lv.97)
Hope Shoes (Lv.97)
Pahwang Helmet (Lv.98)
Marsh Turban (Lv.98)
Infantry Helmet (Lv.98)
Hope Hair Band (Lv.98)
Golden Mantle (Lv.100)
Triple Horn Axe (Lv.92)
Gonetor LVL : 114 EXP : 4747 LIME : 667 Item Drop List
Power Metal Helmet (Lv.115)
Flame Crown (Lv.115)
Heavy Helmet (Lv.115)
Passion Hair Band (Lv.115)
Power Metal Boots (Lv.114)
Flame Shoes (Lv.114)
Heavy Boots (Lv.114)
Passion Shoes (Lv.114)
Sharp Staff (Lv.115)
M-99 (Lv.106)
Sad Shadow LVL : 120 EXP : 8416 LIME : 394 Item Drop List
Blood Helmet (Lv.145)
Blizzard Cap (Lv.145)
Bionic Helmet (Lv.145)
Shadow Helmet (Lv.145)
Blood Boots (Lv.143)
Blizzard Shoes (Lv.143)
Bionic Boots (Lv.143)
Shadow Boots (Lv.143)
Ring Staff (Lv.145)
Darkness Wing (Lv.152)
Skull Fighter LVL : 120 EXP : 7094 LIME : 949 Item Drop List
Karma Blade (Lv.135)
Phoenix Ring (Lv.150)
Sigma Rifle (Lv.134)
Darkness Wing (Lv.152)
Power Metal Pants (Lv.121)
Flame Skirt (Lv.121)
Heavy Pants (Lv.121)
Passion Pants (Lv.121)
Battle Axe (Lv.135)
Mega Vitality Potion (Lv.0)
Cutter Khan LVL : 120 EXP : 6073 LIME : 848 Item Drop List
Power Metal Helmet (Lv.115)
Flame Crown (Lv.115)
Heavy Helmet (Lv.115)
Passion Hair Band (Lv.115)
Power Metal Boots (Lv.114)
Flame Shoes (Lv.114)
Heavy Boots (Lv.114)
Passion Shoes (Lv.114)
Black Knight Helmet (Lv.126)
Black Knight Armor (Lv.128)
Gonma LVL : 120 EXP : 5012 LIME : 812 Item Drop List
Lion Axe (Lv.120)
Gold Jade Staff (Lv.130)
Xylo Gun (Lv.120)
Mega Vitality Potion (Lv.0)
Power Metal Pants (Lv.121)
Flame Skirt (Lv.121)
Heavy Pants (Lv.121)
Passion Pants (Lv.121)
Warrior Sword (Lv.120)
Black Knight Boots (Lv.124)
Wolfen LVL : 120 EXP : 3413 LIME : 326 Item Drop List
Lion Axe (Lv.120)
Sharp Staff (Lv.115)
Xylo Gun (Lv.120)
Kaizen Ring (Lv.115)
Power Metal Armor (Lv.117)
Flame Shirt (Lv.117)
Heavy Suit (Lv.117)
Passion Shirt (Lv.117)
Warrior Sword (Lv.120)
Oriental Sword (Lv.107)
Drarion LVL : 120 EXP : 16088 LIME : 1287 Item Drop List
Pahwang Armor (Lv.100)
Marsh Ware (Lv.100)
Infantry Suit (Lv.100)
Hope Shirt (Lv.100)
Pahwang Pants (Lv.102)
Marsh Skirt (Lv.102)
Infantry Pants (Lv.102)
Hope Pants (Lv.102)
Ancient Staff (Lv.97)
Pascal Rifle (Lv.94)
Sickle Khan LVL : 145 EXP : 8355 LIME : 351 Item Drop List
Heavy Boots (Lv.114)
Phoenix Ring (Lv.150)
Crypto Rifle (Lv.148)
Large Stamina Potion (Lv.0)
Blood Armor (Lv.148)
Blizzard Shirt (Lv.148)
Bionic Armor (Lv.148)
Shadow Armor (Lv.148)
Ring Staff (Lv.145)
Mega Vitality Potion (Lv.0)
Wild Skull LVL : 150 EXP : 7656 LIME : 1762 Item Drop List
Expulsion (Lv.150)
Phoenix Ring (Lv.150)
Crypto Rifle (Lv.148)
Large Stamina Potion (Lv.0)
Blood Pants (Lv.150)
Blizzard Pants (Lv.150)
Bionic Pants (Lv.150)
Shadow Pants (Lv.150)
Vampire Axe (Lv.150)
Mega Vitality Potion (Lv.0)
Gondra LVL : 150 EXP : 15540 LIME : 1544 Item Drop List
Duke Helmet (Lv.164)
Spell Cap (Lv.164)
Aqua Helmet (Lv.164)
Duke Helmet (Lv.164)
Duke Shoes (Lv.162)
Spell Shoes (Lv.162)
Aqua Boots (Lv.162)
Spell Cap (Lv.164)
Mighty Staff (Lv.160)
Aqua Helmet (Lv.164)
Khan LVL : 170 EXP : 77181 LIME : 17156 Item Drop List
Duke Pants (Lv.169)
Spell Pants (Lv.169)
Aqua Pants (Lv.169)
Cyclone Blade (Lv.180)
Griffon Ring (Lv.180)
Spell Shirt (Lv.167)
Aqua Armor (Lv.167)
Scream Axe (Lv.180)
Falcon Staff (Lv.180)
Tornado Rifle (Lv.175)
Legnock (150) LVL : 150 EXP : 300000 LIME : 10000 Item Drop List
Skill Scroll (Level 1) (Lv.0)
Skill Scroll (Level 2) (Lv.0)
Skill Scroll (Level 3) (Lv.0)
Skill Scroll (Level 4) (Lv.0)
Skill Scroll (Level 5) (Lv.0)
Karma Blade (Lv.135)
Battle Axe (Lv.135)
Ring Staff (Lv.145)
Sigma Rifle (Lv.134)
Kaizen Ring (Lv.115)
Legnock (150 - 199) LVL : 200 EXP : 300000 LIME : 10000 Item Drop List
Skill Scroll (Level 2) (Lv.0)
Skill Scroll (Level 3) (Lv.0)
Skill Scroll (Level 4) (Lv.0)
Skill Scroll (Level 5) (Lv.0)
Griffon Ring (Lv.180)
Cyclone Blade (Lv.180)
Scream Axe (Lv.180)
Falcon Staff (Lv.180)
Tornado Rifle (Lv.175)
Legnock (200 - 249) LVL : 250 EXP : 300000 LIME : 10000 Item Drop List
Skill Scroll (Level 3) (Lv.0)
Skill Scroll (Level 4) (Lv.0)
Skill Scroll (Level 5) (Lv.0)
Magic Platinum (Lv.1)
Golden Mantle (Lv.100)
Teurus Helmet (Lv.225)
Star Soul Suit (Lv.228)
Fire Pants (Lv.229)
Eagle Boots (Lv.221)
Legnock (250-274) LVL : 275 EXP : 300000 LIME : 10000 Item Drop List
Skill Scroll (Level 4) (Lv.0)
Skill Scroll (Level 5) (Lv.0)
Power Demolition (Lv.22)
Rough Diamond (Lv.181)
Meruduke Helmet (Lv.254)
Magma Armor (Lv.256)
Salvation Pants (Lv.259)
Apollo Boots (Lv.252)
Legnock (275-299) LVL : 300 EXP : 300000 LIME : 10000 Item Drop List
Skill Scroll (Level 4) (Lv.0)
Skill Scroll (Level 5) (Lv.0)
Power Demolition (Lv.22)
Rough Diamond (Lv.181)
Rough Regent Diamond (Lv.261)
Meruduke Helmet (Lv.254)
Magma Armor (Lv.256)
Salvation Pants (Lv.259)
Apollo Boots (Lv.252)
Legnock ( 300-344) LVL : 350 EXP : 300000 LIME : 10000 Item Drop List
Graiton(Middle) (Lv.0)
Graiton(Large) (Lv.0)
Rough Regent Diamond (Lv.261)
Crash Axe (Lv.210)
Soul Staff (Lv.210)
Matrix Rifle (Lv.210)
Dragon Ring (Lv.210)
Legnock ( 345+ ) LVL : 350 EXP : 300000 LIME : 10000 Item Drop List
Artifacts (Weapon) (Lv.1)
Artifacts (Sub Weapon) (Lv.1)
Artifacts (Armor) (Lv.1)
God Stone (Lv.350)
Great Regent Diamond (Lv.261)
Soul Weapon Crystal (Lv.1)
Soul Armor Crystal (Lv.1)
Treated Ice Crystal (Lv.1)
Dekaran Bossroom 1 ( 345+ ) LVL : 350 Item Drop List
2nd Weapons (Dragon Slayer / MK2 / ...)
2nd Weapons Recipes (Dragon Demolishion / MK3 / ...)
2nd Weapons Recipes (Unstable Dragon Demolishion / Unstable MK3 / ...)
36x Armor Recipes
36x Armor Unstable Recipes
God Stone
Great Regent DiamondSoul Armor Crystal
Artifact Sub-Weapon / Armor
Ancient Helmet / Chest / Leg / Foot
Drake Hunter 1 - 16
Fragments of Soul Armor
Fragments of Soul
God Stone Chip Lv. 1
Dekaran Bossroom 2 ( 345+ ) LVL : 350 Item Drop List
2nd Weapons (Dragon Slayer / MK2 / ...)
2nd Weapons Recipes (Dragon Demolishion / MK3 / ...)
2nd Weapons Recipes (Unstable Dragon Demolishion / Unstable MK3 / ...)
36x Armor Recipes
36x Armor Unstable Recipes
God Stone
Great Regent DiamondSoul Armor Crystal
Artifact Sub-Weapon / Armor
Ancient Helmet / Chest / Leg / Foot
Drake Hunter 1 - 16
Fragments of Soul Armor
Fragments of Soul
God Stone Chip Lv. 1